Tuku Aroha ki to marae o WaihouE te whanau, tena koutou
Tuku Aroha is a way for whanau in Aotearoa and overseas to make a contribution to the running of Waihou marae. This may include continued maintenance and up keep of the marae complex, waahi tapu (3 cemeteries), whare karakia (Waihou Church), building projects, educational programs and events. The marae is non profit, and we rely on external funding for projects and wananga, fundraising and the generous contribution of whanau to maintain the marae facilities. For more information regarding contributions to tuku aroha, please fill out this form or contact a Marae Trustee. Koha and donations go into the marae trustees account and is acknowledge at trustee hui. The marae accounts are audited every year. Mauri ora |
Funding Available for Waihou whanau Funding is available for whanau, to help with hui, kaupapa whanau and family reunions to name a few. Here are the details if you need awhi or assistance with the funding applications let us know and we'll get you connected to the right people. The Whānau Integration, Innovation and Engagement Fund (WIIE) is available to help whānau move to greater self reliance and self management by strengthening whānau connections and engagements, developing whānau leadership, and building whānau knowledge, skills and capabilities to achieve their goals and aspirations. Two application forms, one for developing a Whānau Plan and the other for implementing parts of a whānau plan are available to download here. For further advice contact your local Te Puni Kōkiri office.