Waihou Marae Trustees
There are 11 trustees representing the people of Waihou in this governance structure. The trustees are voted on every three years. The marae also has a Komiti Wahine group that reports to the Trustees. Trustees as of 30 March 2019: Tiamana (office holder) - Mike Te Wake Hekeretari (office holder) - Rangi Carmichael Kaitautoko - Whina Te Whiu Kaihopu Putea (office holder) - Maraea Brodrick Kaitautoko (seconded) - Makere Ngaropo-Hati Sylvester (Bully) Leef Meri Hauiti John Collins Kim Leef Rees Te Tai Basil Hauraki Komiti Wahine Chair - Meri Hauiti Vice-Chair - Makere Ngaropo-Hati Secretary - Jean McLean Vice-Secretary - Whina Te Whiu Treasurer - Makere Ngaropo-Hati Vice-Treasurer - Tracey Te Tai BOOKING THE MARAE
For all enquiries about booking the marae for planned events, including weddings, birthdays, unveilings and wananga, please read Hireage Contract by clicking on 'More' on title pages. Make contact with Maraea Brodrick ([email protected]) or Makere Ngaropo-Hati ([email protected]): For tangi please contact Komiti Wahine. When calling from overseas please add +64 The Marae Ph Number is (09) 4095752 |
Waihou Marae Trustee Hui Schedule 2015
E nga hapu me nga whanau o Waihou marae, nau mai, haere mai ki nga hui tahi tatou. All trustee meetings in 2019 will commence at 10.30am. The trustees urge all whanau to attend our hui. If you wish to put a kaupapa\item onto the agenda or you would like to receive minutes of previous Trustee hui, please contact Rangi Carmichael ([email protected]). |