Ko Waimirirangi te whare tupuna, ko Waihou-nui-a-rua te marae Ko te poutokomanawa o te iwi, karanga mai ki nga uri whakatupuranga Waimirirangi is the ancestral house, Waihou-nui-a-rua is the marae The heart of the community, call to the next generation Waihou Marae is located at Waihou, North Hokianga.There are seven hapu: subtribes that whakapapa and link to this marae. They are Ngati Te Reinga, Te Waekoi, Te Uri o te Aho, Parewhero, Whanau Moko, Te Waiariki and Ngati Moroki. The ancestral and sacred mountains majestically standing in the Warawara forest are Te Reinga, Tauwhare, Panguru, Pukepoto, Pukekowhai, Te Rautaute, Puketotara, Mauwhika, Whikiti and Te Kohi. It is these mountains that link the seven hapu to Waihou-nui-a-rua marae. Check out Waihou marae on Facebook: