A big mihi to DOC for answering many of the pātai and concerns we have about the 1080 drop about to happen in the Warawara. It's fair to say that everyone learned something new about one of a few ways different groups are working to restore the Warawara forest to it's original state.
Following the DOC hui was a trustee hui. Thank you to all of those that atteneded. It was great to hear Paul White informing us that our Resource consent has been approved and our building permit is close to being approved also. This is great progress towards the redevelopment project. What's next for us all? A massive fundraising drive e te iwi!
Learn how to monitor and assess our streams using SHMAK kits, a vital tool to understand the health of our waterways and surrounding environment. This training will empower marae, hapū, and iwi with scientific methods and traditional knowledge to protect our awa.
He aha te aha?A place for notices, updates about things happening at, around and about our marae. |